Today was our first breakfast at the cafeteria. It could have been worse. Afterwards, we walked down to UM’s law school. There is no “campus” here; rather, the university’s buildings are spread across the city center. The buildings are all really old and pretty, too. Representatives of different student groups made brief presentations and then served us vlaai, a kind of Dutch cake, with tea and coffee. After that, we had a tour with the Erasmus Student Network. It was kind of a pointless affair, with us running all over town and not really seeing much besides the train station. But, there it is.

You know, just your typical train station.
Afterwards, we walked down to Mensa, UM’s cafeteria located in the city center. It was, on the whole, better food than we enjoy in the guesthouse. Next, we went for the first time to CES, the Center for European Studies, where Séverine works. From there, we went almost directly to dinner. As you may be able to tell, we didn’t have a moment’s rest in these first few days.

The students rushed the computers when we arrived at CES.
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