Erik and I decided to take off yesterday after breakfast and travel over to Brussels, Belgium. It's less than two hours each way by train, and I slept most of the way anyway, so it really wasn't a bad trip.
There isn't too much to see in Brussels, really, since they destroyed most of whatever old buildings they used to have there after the 1830 revolution. There is one really nice square, though, the Grand' Place (or Grote Markt too, I guess. They speak French in the capital but have to use Flemish/Dutch on the signs, too, so the rest of the country's citizens don't freak.)

Erik with the Maison des Brasseurs - the Brewer's Guildhall. He was pretty excited to be in the Capital of Belgian Beer. I can't post a picture with him more than an inch high because he wants all of you to "See the Majesty of the Guildhall." So, there it is.

The town hall. You know, just one of those big Gothic buildings. No big deal.

250 Beers of Belgium. Erik didn't buy anything, but we'll probably end up going back. Looks like a possum eating bumblebees to me.

The Royal Gallery. You know, just your regular shopping mall. Europe is such a strange place.

Drinking Kriek Lambic brewed at the restaurant. Yum and not too sweet.

A real Belgian waffle. Whatever you're imagining, you're way off, because this was the most delicious dessert I've ever had. The waffle was sweet, and the cream was all melty, and the strawberries were yum. I think I might have to go back to Brussels just to get a Brussels-style waffle. Far superior to the Liege Train Station at 11:00 PM variety.
I also used up all my spending money for the trip in Brussels, but that's okay since I was planning on doing so. Want to see what I got?

Handmade Princess lace mantilla, in cream.

Handmade Princess lace mantilla, cream on black. I need to get that central crease under control!
And just because there's weird English pretty much anywhere you go in Continental Europe:

Lord Applecake, at your service. His American cousin, Mr. Muffin, was on display nearby. For only 1 Euro 20, either can be yours.
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Good for people to know.
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